_The trip to the court is long and though therefore this page has information enough

Practical Information

Edition 2024.

Fantasy Court 2024 is coming! On Sunday June 9th, Fantasy Court will be back at 11.00-18.00h on the TU/e campus in Eindhoven. Once it is ready an overview of the program, the vendors, associations and activities will be available on the program-page . To help you find your way here is some additional practical info.


Food, snacks, and drinks can be bought on the market. Free tap water is available (but bring your own mug or bottle). There are wheelchair accessible toilets in a nearby building.


Location and Parking

The event takes place on a field without an address on the campus of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). The nearby parking lot and navigation address are: Den Dolech 12, 5613 AZ, Eindhoven. Fantasy Court is located south of that, at coordinates: 51.447228696063085, 5.484236714828935

From the Eindhoven Central Station (by train or bus), it is a walk of a few minutes towards the north-east. You will be able to find small signs leading to Fantasy Court on and around the TU/e campus.

Parking on the TU/e campus is free for the first 30 minutes, after which parking costs €0.50 per 15 minutes, to a maximum of €7.50 a day. Parking outside the campus is free in Rachelsmolen (a street) or in the street parallel to the Onze Lieve Vrouwestraat.

Am I allowd to bring a (larp) sword to fantasy court.

You are allowed to carry a foam larp sword to fantasy court. Fighting with foam weapons is allowed on the designated spots in the tournament field and at the edge of the festival. People are responsible for the safety of their own larp swords. The organisation is at all times allowed to check larp-swords and request people to remove unsafe swords from the area. Always keep in mind the fighting safely rules.

Carrying and fighting with hard wood, metal or plastic weapons is not allowed. As is carrying “real looking” larp weapons. Fantasy court takes place on public terrain so we have to follow the weapon laws. This also concerns knives and other weapons bought a the festival which have to be kept sealed in their packaging.

The golden rule is ”don’t do anything that forces us to be more strict”. Use your common sense and do not push the boundaries so we don’t have to do that ourselves.

Fighting safely rules

  1. Stabbing with the weapons is prohibited.
  2. It is not allowed to hit the head or the neck.
  3. physical contact is not allowed.
  4. Participants have to pull their blows. Swing with reservation and make sure your sword will swing at the opponent and not through them.
  5. Running is not allowed. The tourney field is small enough that it’s unnecessary and it can cause accidents.
  6. Shield-bashing is not allowed.
  7. Although they do count as valid hit locations we ask you to avoid hitting the groin, breasts wrists of the opponent since these body parts can hurt quite a bit.
  8. We do allow for upward and downward attacks. Be careful to not hit the head of the groin with these though.

Am I allowed to bring a pet to Fantasy Court?

Pets are allowed on the campus terrain as long as they are leashed. Please clean up after your pets. If the ppet is causing a disturbance the oragnisation can ask you to leave the festival.


Fantasy Court is organised through the Eindhovense Studenten Rollenspel Genootschap Knights of the Kitchen Table which facilitates the event by arranging a field for the festival from the TU/e and providing volunteers. Fantasy court recieves financial support from StEHven to help organise the festival.

ESRG Knights of the Kitchen Table Logo

Are you interested in sponsoring part of the festival yourself? Send an email to info@fantasycourt.nl and discuss the options.


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